Research- Soul Patron

soul patron

As part of my research in to web documentaries, I came across one called Soul Patron. This is an interactive online documentary about Japan and Mizuko Jizo.

Mizuko Jizo is what the Japanese believe to be a guardian of children, especially those that have died before their parents, and those that were still born, aborted or miscarried. This is because it is believed that they are unable to make it to the afterlife, so Mizuko Jizo saves their souls, protecting them from demons.

The creator of this web doc says its purpose is to “feel the atmosphere of Japan, to learn something about the religion, culture and society”.

You understand the theme of the web doc immediately after reading the about page. The illustrations you first see are very appropriate, as well as the calming music that starts up. The home page is a collection of everyday things, but high up in the sky amongst the clouds, for example trees and power cables. It gives a great effect, especially the detail of the drawings, even including the ground, with roots from the ground suggesting they were ripped up from Earth. Everything is in black and white, apart from the pink lanterns scattered throughout.

It is non- linear in its story telling, meaning that you can go to any page you want instead of following a strict order. I really enjoyed this web doc, as I liked how the whole display was consistent with the theme.


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